
Our know-how about manufacturing high-end Japanese scissors also extends to razors for haircutting and barbers.

Rasoir Japonais Takai Technology Platinum


A high-end razor for stylists and barbers

This professional Japanese razor, initially designed for hairstylists, is also very popular with barbers for the quality and rigidity of the Japanese platinum-enriched blades, recalling the close feel of a traditional straight razor.

For male hairstyles, it lets you do extremely precise finishing work.

For mixed styles, this razor is perfect for creating graphic or unstructured cuts or for thinning.

The Platinum razor is delivered with a box of 10 platinum-enriched Japanese blades.

Stainless steel Japanese razor
Delivered with a box of 10 platinum-enriched Japanese blades

Price : 50 € (Tax Excluded)
Box of 10 platinum-enriched Japanese blades : 7 € (Tax Included)